Children's Services and Education Overview and Scrutiny Committee - Monday 25 March 2024, 7:30pm - Timeline Tab - London Borough of Bexley Webcasts

Children's Services and Education Overview and Scrutiny Committee
Monday, 25th March 2024 at 7:30pm 









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  1. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  2. Member Services & Scrutiny Lead
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  1. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
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  1. Councillor Christine Catterall
  2. Councillor John Davey
  3. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  4. Councillor Wendy Perfect
  5. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
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  1. Member Services & Scrutiny Lead
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  1. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  2. Kevin Taylor - DD Educational Achievement and Inclusion
  3. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  4. Councillor Wendy Perfect
  5. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  6. Councillor Janice Ward-Wilson
  7. Kevin Taylor - DD Educational Achievement and Inclusion
  8. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  9. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  10. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  11. Councillor Zainab Asunramu
  12. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  13. Kevin Taylor - DD Educational Achievement and Inclusion
  14. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  15. Councillor Bola Carew
  16. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  17. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  18. Councillor Wendy Perfect
  19. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  20. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  21. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  22. Councillor Christoforides
  23. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  24. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  25. Councillor Read - Cabinet Member for Children's Services
  26. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  27. Councillor Janice Ward-Wilson
  28. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  29. Tamsyn Basson - DD, Children's Social Care
  30. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  31. Councillor Janice Ward-Wilson
  32. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  33. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  34. Councillor Bola Carew
  35. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  36. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  37. Councillor Bola Carew
  38. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  39. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  40. Councillor Zainab Asunramu
  41. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  42. Councillor Zainab Asunramu
  43. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  44. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  45. Councillor Bola Carew
  46. Kevin Taylor - DD Educational Achievement and Inclusion
  47. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  48. Councillor Janice Ward-Wilson
  49. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  50. Councillor Wendy Perfect
  51. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  52. Councillor Wendy Perfect
  53. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  54. Councillor Wendy Perfect
  55. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  56. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  57. Councillor John Davey
  58. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  59. Kevin Taylor - DD Educational Achievement and Inclusion
  60. Jane Whitefield- Interim Vice Principal - LECB
  61. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  62. Councillor John Davey
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  1. Jane Whitefield- Interim Vice Principal - LECB
  2. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  3. Councillor Christine Catterall
  4. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  5. Jane Whitefield- Interim Vice Principal - LECB
  6. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  7. Councillor Christine Catterall
  8. Jane Whitefield- Interim Vice Principal - LECB
  9. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  10. Councillor Nicola Taylor (Substitute)
  11. Jane Whitefield- Interim Vice Principal - LECB
  12. Councillor Nicola Taylor (Substitute)
  13. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  14. Councillor Janice Ward-Wilson
  15. Jane Whitefield- Interim Vice Principal - LECB
  16. Councillor Janice Ward-Wilson
  17. Jane Whitefield- Interim Vice Principal - LECB
  18. Councillor Janice Ward-Wilson
  19. Jane Whitefield- Interim Vice Principal - LECB
  20. Jane Whitefield- Interim Vice Principal - LECB
  21. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  22. Councillor Janice Ward-Wilson
  23. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  24. Kevin Taylor - DD Educational Achievement and Inclusion
  25. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  26. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
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  1. Kevin Taylor - DD Educational Achievement and Inclusion
  2. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  3. Councillor Christine Catterall
  4. Kevin Taylor - DD Educational Achievement and Inclusion
  5. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  6. Councillor Zainab Asunramu
  7. Kevin Taylor - DD Educational Achievement and Inclusion
  8. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  9. Councillor Newton - Cabinet Member for Education
  10. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
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  1. Councillor Chris Taylor
  2. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  3. Corne Van-Staden
  4. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  5. Councillor Christoforides
  6. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  7. Corne Van-Staden
  8. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  9. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  10. Councillor Janice Ward-Wilson
  11. Corne Van-Staden
  12. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
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  1. Councillor Chris Taylor
  2. Corne Van-Staden
  3. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  4. Councillor Zainab Asunramu
  5. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  6. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  7. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  8. Councillor Wendy Perfect
  9. Corne Van-Staden
  10. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  11. Councillor Christine Catterall
  12. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  13. Stephen Kitchman - Director of Children's Services
  14. Cllr Lisa Jane Moore (Chairman)
  15. Webcast Finished